The blog

The Blog...

A collection of articles, musings and, hopefully, helpful guides to help you and your business succeed in the very competitive and overly saturated online world.

Explore Technical SEO with this comprehensive guide, covering its vital role, ROI, implementation in Webflow, and integration into a holistic SEO strategy for online success.

Explore the world of Technical SEO with our comprehensive guide, tailored for small to medium businesses. Learn how to optimise your website, enhance user experience, and achieve long-term online success with actionable insights and expert advice.

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Beyond Aesthetics: The Comprehensive Role of Web Design in Business Success

Explore the expansive role of a professional web designer in this comprehensive guide. Learn how good web design impacts SEO, conversion rates, and target market appeal, and why it's a wise investment for any business in the digital age. Discover the importance of choosing the right web designer for your brand.

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In this digital age, having a website is more important than ever. It's like having the key to unlock the door of opportunity - a gateway to success in an increasingly competitive world. As technology continues to evolve, so too must our approach to our online presence, and with it comes a chance to truly stand out from the crowd.

In this digital age, having a website is more important than ever. It's like having the key to unlock the door of opportunity - a gateway to success in an increasingly competitive world. As technology continues to evolve, so too must our approach to our online presence, and with it comes a chance to truly stand out from the crowd.

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Why your Google Ranking Sucks | Blog Article

Don't know why your website's Google ranking is low? You're not alone! In this article, we'll discuss common reasons for low rankings, such as poor website design and structure, lack of quality content & backlinks, and technical issues.

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In recent years, AI has become a buzzword in the tech industry. One of the ways it is being used is to generate content for websites. However, this is not a good idea for multiple reasons.

Using AI-generated copy for a website is a bad idea because it lacks authenticity, can be repetitive and unengaging, and can negatively impact search engine optimization. While AI algorithms can be useful for generating ideas or conducting keyword research, they should not be relied on as a replacement for high-quality, authentic, and engaging content. Instead, use AI algorithms as a tool to support and enhance your content creation process, not as a replacement for human creativity and expertise.

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Do you want to ask for a Google review, but don’t quite know how to go about it? Then this is the guide for you.

If you want your company to do well online, then Google reviews are crucial. It will help your customers to trust your brand and it also makes you seem far more authoritative. If you are having a hard time getting Google reviews, then there is a simple solution that will help you to turn everything around.

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Why hire a web designer rather then DIYing

Knowing when to DIY and when to hire a professional can set your business out from the rest of the pack. In this article, we’ll go over some of the pros to hiring a pro to design your website, from increasing conversions to adding credibility to your business.

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5 things most people forget that make a big difference for SEO

As promised in my last article, I mentioned that I would run through some of the top things you can do to help improve your overall SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking. But first, we need to go over a few basics on what Google is looking at when they index your website.

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SEO, What is it? And what should I do about it?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, what is and why should you care? 

To be technical, SEO is a series of processes and techniques designed to improve your website's visibility and position on Google and other search engines organically.

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